Human Machine Interface Controllers

Industrial Control and Expansion
Take complete control of your manufacturing process
The Mitsubishi GOT sets global standards in design and technology. A wide variety of lineups meets the needs of production sites. The GOT boasts advanced functionality, and acts as a seamless gateway to other industrial automation devices, all while increasing productivity and efficiency.
Mitsubishi GOT
GOT is the abbreviation of “Graphic Operation Terminal”.
Switches and lamps had been conventionally attached to an operation panel as hardware. However, by using the screen design software, those can be created and displayed and operated on the monitor screen of the GOT touch-panel HMI.
Downsizing the operation panel
Since switches and lamps are created using software, the number of components attached to the operation panel as hardware can be reduced and the panel itself can be downsized.
Cutting costs for wiring
Wiring between components inside the operation panel is replaced with screen design by software, eliminating the need for the wiring, which requires a large amount of time and cost.
GOT ranges include the following ranges
GOT Simple range, High Performance GOT2000 range, GOT Wide range, GOT rugged range, Soft GOT range.
Full Range of Mitsubishi GOT Catalogs
Mitsubishi HMI Catalogs Page